‘Dogs of Africa’ – Hidden amidst the stunning landscape of Arusha National Park, with Mt. Meru offering a looming constant presence in the backdrop, Mbwa wa Africa Animal Rescue is a true haven for all neglected furry friends.
Greeted by founder Sandra Kliegelhoefer, a German native, we were immediately introduced to the first of the rescue center’s adorable occupants; Tommy.
Tommy is 4 months old, but due to being mistakenly given a pesticide formula to rid her of fleas, this made her incredibly sick and she soon stopped growing, with even walking proving to be a near impossible task. Thanks to some tender loving care, and the right medicine, Tommy is already back on her feet, gaining weight and ready to go home in a few days.
Tommy proved to be just one of the 40 dogs, and one cat, currently calling Mbwa Wa Africa home whilst they recover and, hopefully, find new homes. Most have harrowing stories; tales of abuse, neglect and downright cruelty that would sadden all who hear them, but Mbwa Wa Africa continue to battle against the odds to save all furry friends who are in need of the love they deserve.
From meeting youngster Tommy, to the wizened Babu (Grandfather), the regal Taji (she really lives up to her name, which means ‘regal’!), the energetic Gordon (who doesn’t let only having two functioning legs stop him whatsoever) and many, many more heartwarming souls that simply melted our hearts. I could write many more pages on what Mbwa Wa Africa do and why they deserve your support and help in their mission, but alas I do have a word limit! We will definitely write more about them in the future, and I implore you to visit their website at http://mbwa-wa-africa.org/ so you can learn more about them, offer your support and maybe even add one (or two, or three..) of their adorable occupants to your family!