Health & Special Needs

Destiny Foundation

Destiny Foundation Tansania volunteering children with disabilities

The Project

The Destiny Foundation provides care for children born with mental and physical disabilities. It was founded in 2017 by Bryson Lyatuu who has over twelve years’ experience as a special needs teacher. The Destiny Foundation provides room and board for 20 children, and has an outreach program that helps up to 120 children in the community. This happens through home visits, where they also educate the parents about how to deal with special needs. Different cultures have different views of disability, and in Tanzania many disabled children do not receive the care they need. People with disabilities experience stigma and discrimination in the form of prejudice, negative attitudes, abuse and maltreatment. And disabled children often do not have the opportunity to spend time with other children their own age, and so miss out on the positive impact of peer interactions.

The services provided are:

  • physiotherapy
  • speech therapy
  • visual stimulation
  • community awareness building
  • survival activities and life skills
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania

Your Work

Volunteer experience video:


The volunteers start work at 9am and finish at 1pm. It is possible to stay until 4pm or to work on weekends if you wish. Volunteers help staff provide care to the resident children and help with the outreach program. As each child is at a different level care is tailored individually. There is a team of 7 qualified therapists, social workers and teachers who work alongside the volunteers to make sure the correct care and procedures are followed. A light lunch is provided.

Daily activities include:

  • playing with the children
  • helping with reading and writing activities
  • providing physical therapy (under supervision)
  • helping prepare lunch
  • helping with the outreach program by visiting children in the community who require care (accompanied by a team member)

No previous experience necessary

This project does not require any previous experience. The foundation welcomes all volunteers and appreciates their ideas and support. Even though volunteers with previous experience in teaching, physical therapy or social work are very welcome, the foundation loves to work with everyone, that is patient and considerate when caring for the children.


This project is located 2kms (1.2miles) from the hostel and can be reached by walking.

Founder’s interview:

Destiny Foundation Tansania logo

Read our


"I will definitely never forget my time with Viva Tanzania! I came to Arusha alone, so it was important for me to make friends as quickly as possible. I was absolutely in the right place for that! Whether it was organizing my internship visa, a day trip, a safari or taking clothes to the tailor, there was always someone there to help me. As I was accommodated in a 4-bed dormitory, it was easy for me to get to know other volunteers! But even if you wanted to be alone, the terrace and the living/dining room offered plenty of quiet alternatives. Magga's food was also great and there was plenty of variety! I really felt welcome at Viva Tanzania, not as a tourist or visitor, but after a short time as a friend, thank you for this feeling and the wonderful time. At the beginning I was very insecure and reserved about my work with the Destiny Foundation. As I neither understood nor could speak Swahili, I was unable to communicate well with either the teachers or the students. Over the weeks, however, the teacher involved me more and more in the school day. The more vocabulary I learned, the better I got on with the pupils. The teachers were proud of every little bit of progress I made and kept encouraging me to just keep going. I can only warmly recommend anyone to have the same or a similar experience. Have the courage! The children appreciate your affection and presence and the teachers gratefully accept any help!"
Emily, 22
United States of America
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania
Destiny Foundation Viva Tanzania

Project price

2 weeks: 650€
3 weeks: 850€
4 weeks: 1.050€
Every additional week: 200€


You can choose between a single room or four-bed room in the hostel.

Project length

The minimum stay is two weeks. Due to visa regulations you can spend a maximum of two years as a volunteer in Tanzania.

Let your adventure to start

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Start your volunteering experience in Tanzania and get the lifetime experience!